who is waitara alive?

Waitara Alive is an incorporated society with charitable status that seeks to support the Waitara community through:

Community Groups:

Support local groups seek funding to enable their operation.

Event management >

Hosting local events that bring people into Waitara.

Information centre >

Being a source of digital community information.

Community Contribution >

Governance of the Waitara Food Bank.

Waitara Alive has a Board of Trustees made up of business leaders and community minded volunteers who are committed to seeing the Waitara community thrive through business initiatives and community ventures.


Past Events


Business Breakfast

Shop Local

our board

Sarah Bentley-Korff


Sarah joined Waitara Alive with the ambition of helping out the community in other ways than she’d previously done. Sarah has been a long standing real estate agent in the Waitara community and surrounding areas with Professionals Real Estate and has enjoyed many community events that they’ve completed as ways of giving back to the community. Being a part of Waitara Alive enables more opportunity to reach out and assist many more people
Brent Abbott

Treasurer Board Member

Brent is a CA with experience in small to medium enterprises, self-employment and CA practice. He is a director of Tandem Group Chartered Accountants where he utilises his well-rounded business experience to benefit his clients. It is also through Tandem Group that Brent gives back many hours to the community, in addition to sitting on the Tikorangi School BOT.
Damon Jacobsen

Deputy Chair Board Member

Damon’s working career helps fulfil the passion he has for people, their welfare and development. Damon’s hope is to see prosperity for all in the Waitara community and believes that supporting local business growth and development in the town will help achieve this end. Being married with two children and an active member of ‘The River’ church in Waitara, Damon has a loving appreciation for whanau. He enjoys keeping fit and active, being outdoors and getting into a bit of DIY renovations.
Alison Bell

Administrator Events Co-ordinator

Alison joined Waitara Alive as administrator and events co-ordinator.  With her business administrative experience in past roles in administrative duties in the governance sector, completing also a Diploma in Business, this allows Waitara Alive to have a more active approach to outwork the strategic direction of Waitara Alive. Also Alison’s passion to see people prosper and grow in all new initiatives that could develop the community with more business growth and sustainability. 
Kura Denness

Board Member

Kura has been a Chartered Accountant for nearly 40 years and has worked in that capacity in a number of industries throughout Aotearoa with a focus on governance roles both locally and nationally. Currently, Kura is the independent Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee for Stratford District Council, on the Boards of Ngati Rahiri and Te Korimako Radio Station, and she provides secretariat services to the Rohutu Trust. Kura has two wonderful sons, Rori and Lachlan, and a moko, Noah. She lives in Waitara and is active in her community, serving on the Wise Charitable Trust, and Waitara Alive boards.
Natalie Avery

Board Member

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